Thursday, October 11, 2007

Want to Learn Football freestyle?

By Rickard Sjolander

Are you new to football freestyle? In this case I suggest you to either grab a football and go outside right now trying some skills... or keep reading and then grab your football!

Everyone can start with football freestyle, you don't even have to be a footballer! Anyone that is dedicated enough can perform this art. All you need to begin is a football. If you want to wear shoes or not while doing freestyle is entirely up to you, what ever you feel comfortable with. If you want to play in shoes but don't have good shoes, I suggest you ask your parents to sponsor you. I'm sure they will give you a new pair of shoes, otherwise... start out bare feet and wish shoes for your birthday or for Christmas.

What if you can't even do two juggles but want to be good? Guess what, all you need to do is to juggle the ball. A good start is to kick the ball in the air, let it bounce on the floor one time and then kick it again. Repeat this until you can do a lot of kick ups with a bounce in between. I strongly advice you to start using both feet from the start. Now it's time to start juggling without letting it bounce on the ground. This part will probably be very frustrating to you, it will take time, dedication and practice. When you can do basic juggling it's time to move on to the tricks(it's very important to take your time on each step, if you rush in to hard tricks they will look ugly and not very stylish).

Good basic tricks to start of with is foot stall(balance the ball on your foot) head stall(balance the ball on your head) and around the world(spin your leg around the ball). It's really important to have fun while you're freestyling. A shortcut to make it more fun is to get one of your friends to get in to the sport as well. If you're two guys it will always be more fun! I really hope that this article might get you in to football freestyle, the sport needs more players all around the world!

Website about the art of football freestyle: